Search Bee Cave

Friday, 3rd May 2024

in Bee Cave TX 78738

Bee Cave Weather

Is WTCPUA overcommitted to future developments?


New issues are hitting the beleaguered WTCPUA - centered on the risk of running out of capacity in theory versus real demand.


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County funding design of LTYA field


An update on the funding of the second LTYA field in lakeway along Highway 71 has appeared on Lakeway Mayor Joe Bain's blog.


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City OK's new condo development


City Council, at it's September 13th meeting, passed all the major approvals for the owners of the Paseo at Bee Cave to add a condo complex behind the Highway 71 complex.


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City passes budget


Bee Cave City Council passed their 2016-7 budget at their September 13th meeting and confirmed no change in the City rate of 2 cents per $100.


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LTHS Jobs Fair

Lake Travis ISD is hosting a student job fair for area businesses looking to hire high school students.


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